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Club Ice Days/Times: Monday 4:00-7:00pm; Tuesday 4pm-6:30pm; Wednesday 4pm-7pm
Ice Show Deadline has been extended for club members!
The new deadline is 4/20.
Free Skills Sessions 4/27(all levels); 25/26 Tryouts 5/4(all levels Basic 1 & above)
Learn to Skate Members
Semester 4 runs from March 4th - April 29th. No classes on April 15th.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Skate Challenge!

Learn to Skate with SCCNY!


The Skating Club of CNY is proud to offer skating lessons for people of all ages, from 3 years old through to adult! We participate in the official Learn to Skate USA program through US Figure Skating. Our classes are designed to develop skills needed for figure skating, hockey, and speed skating. We offer 6 semesters of skating throughout the year. Classes are held on Tuesday evenings starting at 6:30. Rental skates are included with all lessons.


Become a Member of SCCNY!


Are you interested in taking your figure skating to the next level? Are you moving into the area and looking for a competitive skating club? Are you currently in our Learn to Skate program, and have achieved a level of pre free skate or higher, and would like to get more ice time? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider joining the Skating Club of CNY! Full club members receive reduced ice fees, reduced test session fees, a spot in our annual ice show, special recognition for graduating seniors at our ice show and banquet, and a plaque on our gold medalist wall upon completing their gold test in one of the figure skating disciplines. We look forward to welcoming you into our club.

Club Ice Walk On Information

Walk On Drop Ins are for skaters who do not have a membership with the Skating Club of CNY. Our walk on rates are as follows:

1 hour - $26

1 1/2 hours - $34

2 hours - $42

3 hours - $50

Purchase Walk Ons Here

Skaters who regularly utilize our club ice, may want to consider an affiliate membership. 

Check out our affiliate membership here.



Test Session Information


For more information on our virtual and in person test sessions, please click on this link:   

Test session information





Click Here for More News


  CNY Synchro is holding tryouts for the 2025/2026 season on Sunday, May 4th. Skaters in Basic 1 through Pre Preliminary Skating Skills will be trying out for our Aspire level teams from 3:45-4:45. Skaters who have passed Preliminary Skating Skills and above are welcome to tryout for our IJS level teams from 4:30-5:45. 

Additionally, we will hosting a free Synchro Skills Session on Sunday, April 27th. This is for skaters of all levels and you do not need to be a member of the Skating Club of CNY to participate. 

We would also like to welcome Cassady Konu as our Skills Coach for the 2025/2026 season. Cassady is a Central New York native, and has reached the highest level of synchronized skating as a member of the Skyliners Senior Team. Skyliners represented the USA at multiple World Championships and Cassady was a part of that team. We are excited to welcome Cassady to the CNY Synchro family!

This year’s synchro camp with Heather Paige will be held on July 14-16 from 8:30am-3:45pm. Skaters will be grouped by level.


New Online Platform

SCCNY has begun rollout of a new online platform. Rollout will be done in stages, starting with our Learn to Skate program. All skaters participating in our programs or utilizing club ice, will need to create an account before registering for any programs, buying memberships, or purchasing club ice. Along with the new platform, we will have a brand new website. It is currently under construction, but you can check out what we have ready so far. Our old website will continue to be operational for the time being. 


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