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Club Ice Days/Times: Monday 4:00-7:00pm; Tuesday 4pm-6:30pm; Wednesday 4pm-7pm
Ice Show Deadline has been extended for club members!
The new deadline is 4/20.
Free Skills Sessions 4/27(all levels); 25/26 Tryouts 5/4(all levels Basic 1 & above)
Learn to Skate Members
Semester 4 runs from March 4th - April 29th. No classes on April 15th.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Skate Challenge!

Full Club Membership

The Skating Club of CNY offers a yearly membership for skaters at a pre free skate level and above. Full club members of the Skating Club of CNY will receive discounts on ice and a free session after the purchase of 10 drop ins, of the same duration. All full club families are required to work 12 volunteer hours over the course of the season, pay a $25 hospitality fee, and participate in two fundraisers. The first mandatory fundraiser is our raffle ticket fundraiser at the start of the new season. They will pay $100 and receive 20 raffle tickets to sell to recoup their cost. The 2nd mandatory fundraiser will be in the spring(to be announced). Families may buy out of their volunteer hours for $10 per hour. Full club members will pay reduced rates for SCCNY test sessions, are eligible for solo/group numbers at the annual ice show(solo may be level dependent), senior recognition at the ice show and year end banquet, and a plaque on our gold medalist wall when they have achieved their first gold medalist distinction. Fundraiser and hospitality fees should be paid along with membership fees prior to July 1st. Volunteer hour buyouts may be paid at anytime during the season, but must be paid prior to July 1st of the subsequent year.

Full Club Introductory Membership

The Skating Club of CNY offers a yearly introductory membership for skaters purchasing a USFSA membership for the first time. Skaters must be at a pre free skate level or above. Full club members of the Skating Club of CNY will receive discounts on ice and a free session after the purchase of 10 drop ins, of the same duration. All full club families are required to work 12 volunteer hours over the course of the season, pay a $25 hospitality fee, and participate in two fundraisers. The first mandatory fundraiser is our raffle ticket fundraiser at the start of the new season. They will pay $100 and receive 20 raffle tickets to sell to recoup their cost. The 2nd mandatory fundraiser will be in the spring(to be announced). Families may buy out of their volunteer hours for $10 per hour. Full club members will pay reduced rates for SCCNY test sessions, are eligible for solo/group numbers at the annual ice show(solo may be level dependent), senior recognition at the ice show and year end banquet, and a plaque on our gold medalist wall when they have achieved their first gold medalist distinction. Fundraiser and hospitality fees should be paid along with membership fees prior to July 1st. Volunteer hour buyouts may be paid at anytime during the season, but must be paid prior to July 1st of the subsequent year.

Junior Club Membership

The Skating Club of CNY offers a yearly membership for those skaters, pre free skate  through free skate 6, who are just starting out on club ice and are only interested in skating for a limited amount of time each week. This is a limited membership in that the junior skater is only allowed to purchase 15 - 45 minute ice sessions and are only allowed to skate once per week on club ice. Skaters desiring more ice time should consider becoming a full member. Junior members are only eligible for reduced ice costs and not any free sessions. All junior families are required to volunteer for one shift(approximately 3-4 hours) over the course of the season, and pay a $15 hospitality fee. Volunteer hours may be bought out for $35. If a family has both a full club and junior member, the volunteer hours, hospitality fee, and mandatory fundraisers from the full club member will apply. This membership is for skaters who do not have a current Learn to Skate USA membership. This will include an introductory USFSA membership.






Junior Club Membership w/Active LTS Membership

The Skating Club of CNY offers a yearly membership for those skaters who are active in Learn to Skate, pre free skate  through free skate 6, and who are just starting out on club ice and are only interested in skating for a limited amount of time each week. This is a limited membership in that the junior skater is only allowed to purchase 15 - 45 minute ice sessions and are only allowed to skate once per week on club ice. Skaters desiring more ice time should consider becoming a full member. Junior members are only eligible for reduced ice costs and not free sessions.  All junior families are required to volunteer for one shift(approximately 3-4 hours) over the course of the season, and pay a $15 hospitality fee. Volunteer hours may be bought out for $35. If a family has both a full club and junior member, the volunteer hours, hospitality fee, and mandatory fundraisers from the full club member will apply. 

Comparison Chart

Coming Soon






Affiliate Membership

The Skating Club of CNY offers an affiliate membership for those skaters from different home clubs, that are at the pre free skate level or above, skate consistently on SCCNY club ice, and would like to take advantage of discounted ice costs. Affiliate members will be eligible for home club member ice rates, but not free sessions. Affiliate members will also receive SCCNY club member pricing for SCCNY test sessions, access to all SCCNY member only virtual test sessions, and be eligible to perform their solo at the SCCNY annual ice show(May be level dependent). Affiliate members will not be eligible for group numbers at the ice show, senior recognitions, or the gold medalist plaque.


Professional Membership

This membership is for coaches or other USFSA officials. Professional members are eligible for home club member discounted ice rates. There are no other discounts that go with this membership.


Collegiate Membership

The Skating Club of CNY offers a collegiate membership for any full time college student that is good for 4 years. Collegiate members receive home club member pricing. There are no other discounts that go with this membership.

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